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Top 10 List of Week 00

  1. Choosing the right license for a github repository

    For each repository we can assign a dedicated license to protect the usage of said repository. There are several options that imply varying degrees of freedom for the end user to use, modify, and/or distribute.

  2. Licenses in general

    For every kind of work there should be a license that is applied to make sure the original work is credited fairly and the general public meets the terms specified when using or attributing the source material.

  3. What is Copyleft?

    In a general sense and more simplified, a copyleft is basically public domain, uncopyrighted.

  4. Difference between open source and free software

    The two terms implies different values presented regarding how the user is permitted to use, modify, and distribute the software.

  5. Open Source misses the point of Free Software

    This article elaborates on how the open source term is actually overcomplicating the general understanding of a free software.

  6. Free Software, Open Source, and Freeware

    There is also a third commonly used term which is Freeware, a different kind of software distribution that is free regarding price but cannot be freely modified and distributed commercially without the owner’s permission.

  7. Add custom domain on Github Pages

    If we have a domain available we can use it to replace the default github pages domain.

  8. Create personal website on Github Pages

    Create a simple static personal website using the tools and templates provided by github.

  9. What is an operating system

    Simply put, the operating system is the component which sits between the applications we run and the hardware using drivers as an interface between the two.

  10. Difference between hardware, software, firmware, middleware, drivers, os, and applications

    It basically explains where each of those components fit in the technology hierarchy of a computer.