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Top 10 List of Week 05

  1. Tips for using the top command

    A neat guide that is structured to help you understand the top command better.

  2. Top command cheat sheet

    If you ever need a quick peek at the functionality of top just use the reference above.

  3. Alternative to the top command

    While top is an extremely useful utility, the interface leaves much to be desired. Here is a list of some top alternatives that offers a better and more human readable interface.

  4. CPU usage and process execution history

    This thread taught me how to log process execution history to perform better analysis on the running processes.

  5. What is thrashing? Why does it occur?

    This is a brief explanation of what is thrashing and the conditions for it to happen.

  6. fchmod and fopen

    A thread about using the correct file opening/closing stream with fchmod.

  7. Difference between slab and buddy system

    This thread expains what

  8. Virtualization performance better over emulation?

    The answer to this thread made me understand the differences between virtualizatino and emulation.

  9. What is page fault and what causes it?

    A short definition and a list of possible causes for page fault with a short explanation.

  10. What is Belady’s anomaly

    This article gives an in-depth explanation of Belady’s anomaly.